This is the online stream for sharing conversations that happened throughout the Greater Bay Area from March through June 2012 around the question:

How can we collectively transform public education through the arts to create a better future for everyone?

Please join the conversation and follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Thoughts from atemkin

Thank you to everyone who participated in the kick-off for Mapping the Next 10 Years on March 8th at the Alameda County Office of Education! The group’s passion, thoughtfulness and willingness to take this important conversation to the wider community was inspiring!

With your leadership and determination to create a better future together, I know positive change will happen!

2 Comments on “Thoughts from atemkin”

  1. Would love to see the conversation in a box document translated into several additional languages frequently used in our communities.
    I also wonder… it is not clear to me – Is it the intention that this mapping conversation in a box be presented as widely as possible? I am looking for it to be introduced to everyone in a very big email also in a article in the newspaper, to every PTA, to every parent etc. Is there a timeline for this?

  2. atemkin says:

    Thanks for your suggestions! We are looking in to translation possibilities. We hadn’t planned on that kind of campaign. Thinking more of conversations going out in concentric ripples. Your suggestion will be passed on to the Design Team. Thanks again, Susan!